Hi there, friends! To those of you who may have been wondering where this month’s issue of Concrete was at the strike of the New Year, have no fear. With a little help from those of you who hopefully plan on submitting your work to Concrete in the near future, we’ll be back up and …
Editor’s Note
Did you miss this little rat? I know I did. After a few short months of summer hiatus, our beloved teal website will be revving its engines again to bring this month’s favorite pieces into the spotlight. In the coming issue you’ll see the work of one particular poet whose poems often impress us. Future issues might also feature …
Bus Terminal Man
This man thinks he’s so thick sitting across from me with his legs spread, grey sweatpants bunching tight at his crotch. He leans back in his seat, shifts his hip, hand on his thigh, makes me feel like I’m eating this granola in the wrong way, too seductive, asking for it.